Published in Shotgun News, 31 Mar 2008
 Hornady's new 6.5 Creedmoor is designed to be a winning long-range cartridge viable for
the shooter using factory ammunition, or the reloader.
Long-range shooters gravitate towards calibers which provide great ballistics and accuracy along
with relatively low recoil. Because these loads are highly specialized, it's almost impossible to
find factory ammunition that provides match-winning long-range performance. It's just a fact of
life that to get match-winning performance, you need to reload. This presents a barrier for entry
into the sport for would-be new shooters.
The 6.5 Creedmoor was developed for the express purpose to provide a cartridge with the accuracy and
ballistics to be competitive at the top level of High-Power Long-Range competition using factory
ammunition, while also being easy on the novice reloader. During the 2006 High-Power Championships
at Camp Perry, Hornady's Chief Ballistician Dave Emary was chatting with Service Rifle and National
High Power Champion Dennis DeMille. Dave asked Dennis what his ideal competitive round would look
like. His answer was that it would shoot high-BC bullets with great accuracy for winning long-range
performance; it would have low recoil and have comparatively long barrel life; factory long-range
match loads would be available and no more expensive than .308 Winchester; and it would be very
 Competition shooters have some excellent choices in the 6.5 mm bore side, left to right:
6.5-284 Norma, .260 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 6.5x47 Lapua.
The components used in the factory ammunition would all be available to the
reloader in plentiful supply, and the factory loads would use readily-available commercial
components. The recipe to exactly duplicate the factory loads would be printed on every box of
ammunition from Hornady. The powder used in the factory loads is H4350 and the primer is the
Federal 210M Match.
Emary and the Hornady engineers went to work and by early 2007 had come up with a cartridge roughly
based on the .308 body size, shooting a 6.5 mm bullet. The case has a 30-degree shoulder and a
0.370-inch neck. The case head is identical to .308 Winchester which makes it a shoe-in to any .308
action, and the body is tapered 0.004-inch per side for extraction reliability. While reloaders
will indubitably try to hotrod the cartridge, factory ammunition is limited to 58,000 psi and shoots
the 140-gr A-MAX (BC 0.585) at 2810 fps from a 26-inch barrel. Compared to some long-range
ammunition which runs at a maximum pressure over 60,000 psi, being able to achieve a respectable
2800 fps with the high-BC 6.5 mm bullets will increase safety, aid reliability, and provide long
brass life. For reduced recoil or short-course matches, the factory 120-gr A-MAX (BC 0.465) loads
run at 2980 fps.