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The Johnsons deliver another great Rocky Mountain 3-Gun.
Once again, JJ and Denise Johnson have put on an excellent Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals (RM3G). RM3G is the best
conventional 3-Gun match in the country due to use of geographical features in stage design,
facilities, and stage difficulty. After taking over the match from prior management in 2007 and
doing a great job, 2008 was their second year and they showed they can consistently administer a
world-class, challenging national 3-Gun event.
Last year (2007), RM3G took a turn from precedent. In past matches, the longest rifle shots were in
the range of maybe 300 yards, while the average rifle engagement was closer to 60, a couple stages
having 200-300 yard targets. In 2007, JJ increased the rifle difficulty considerably, with six of
eight stages having rifle and rifle shots to 500 yards. This year (2008), the difficult of rifle
targets was raised another notch, with more and harder rifle shots.
 RM3G is a rifle-intensive match.
Stage 1. Rifle.
Stage 1 was the most difficult long-range stage, with three shoot positions and targets fro 180 to
300 yards, with a bonus target at 565 yards. Stage one was challenging for a lot of shooters.
 Tim Pack engages long-range targets on Stage 1.
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