Document Quality Explanation


When I was developing my document database, I wanted some way to indicate my estimation of the approximate overall quality of each paper. Thus the idea of a "quality" quantifier was born.

What makes a paper "good"?

The general rule I use is that good content + good writing = higher quality. As a consequence, many very old papers from middle or high-school ('88-'94) have a lower quality than those written in college ('94-'98). Papers with good insight or technical content have a higher quality than papers with nothing new and interesting.


The lowest quality is 0 (zero), and there is no upper bound on the quality number. Here is a rough breakdown:
Quality 0-1
generally very old papers, unpolished papers, or those are generally not terribly interesting
Quality 2-3
includes "good" papers from a long time ago, and "poor" papers from recently (my writing has matured)
Quality 4
these are generally either very well written, or have good technical content, but not both
Quality 5
the standard for polished college-era papers which have both good writing and good technical content
Quality 9-10
reserved for well-written technical papers that have been published

[Zak Smith] [] [/~zak/document-quality.php]
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