The Model 5 comes with a removable A2-style detachable carry handle,
which is adjustable for windage and elevation. The included PRI
magazine has a capacity of 25 rounds.
The Model 5 has carbine-length M4-style hand-guards with heat shields,
and a fixed A2 front sight tower. The rear sight is a detachable
carry handle. Stag provided a simple and innovative side-sling swivel
inside the front sight tower, for modern sling usage. The lower is a
standard AR-15 lower receiver manufactured by Stag Arms, however, it
is marked "MODEL STAG-6.8 CAL 6.8 MM". A six-position telescoping
stock finishes out the carbine. One 25-round PRI 6.8 SPC magazine was
The Stag carbine exhibits good fit and finish. There is no play
between upper and lower, yet the take-down pins are removable without
tools. The black finish is consistent and durable over the entire
weapon. The trigger is a standard military single-stage with a clean
break, all other controls operate freely. In short, it's put together
exactly right.

Even though the lower is identical to a 5.56 lower receiver, the
roll-mark, "MODEL STAG-6.8 CAL 6.8 MM", is a nice touch.
I took a twofold approach to evaluating the carbine. First, I
established its reliability and accuracy with various types of
ammunition; second, I had several experienced shooters run the carbine
through a variety of practical shooting problems. This is no bench or
competition rifle, it is set up like a military M4. Accuracy testing
was done at 100 meters, shooting from bags on a cement bench, using a
3.5 power Trijicon ACOG. The ACOG was switched out in favor of an
EOTech Holosight for the "practical" portion of the testing, a natural
match for the lightweight Stag carbine.
While some contend that an AR-15 should be afforded a "break in"
period, I believe an AR-15 should run properly when taken from its box
and lubed. Malfunctions in the first 20 rounds may indicate problems
that will return in the future, when the weapon is subjected to
abnormal operating conditions. This turned out to be moot as the Stag
carbine ran like a champ from the start.