Outfitted with a Harris bipod, Magpul PRS adjustable stock, and suppressor,
this 18-inch 6.8 SPC is capable of delivering rapid and accurate fire on near
and distant targets.
Most civilian shooters won't be doing urban CQB or 600 yard engagements in the
Afghan mountains, however the 6.8 SPC is perfectly suited to more mundane uses.
Intermediate-power cartridges like .257 Roberts, .250/3000, .300 Savage and most
notably .30-30 have been used for over a hundred years to harvest deer and other
North-American game. The 6.8 SPC fits right in with these venerable choices.
While an anti-personnel round should have dramatic fragmentation and 12-inch
minimum penetration, most big-game hunters want a bullet which will penetrate
the muscle and bone of a deer's shoulder and still produce an exit wound for
tracking. This suggests that a good choice for deer would be a
stoutly-constructed bullet, such as the new 110-grain Barnes TSX, made entirely
of a copper alloy.
Bucking conventional choices, an AR-15 chambered in 6.8 SPC makes an excellent
hunting rifle. Legal even in states with a 0.243-inch minimum caliber, it
provides a compact and lightweight package. A 16-inch carbine with a
collapsible stock and iron sights or a compact optic is a good recipe for the
stalking or stand hunting typical of the East and Midwest where average shots
are often 50 yards. 6.8 SPC carbines have successfully harvested deer for the
last several years, at distances as far as 300 yards. Many American rifle
hunters are sending the gun makers photos and stories of their accomplishments
with 6.8 SPC on mule deer, pronghorn, antelope, caribou, hogs, coyotes, and wild
dog packs.
For years, shooters chatting at the range or on the Internet have discussed what
they "wished the AR-15 could do" and decried its diminutive 5.56 cartridge.
With the advent of 6.8 SPC, fans of the "Black Rifle" are realizing it is now in
a new category-- a real game-stopper and man-stopper. The soldiers of the
Special Forces and the USAMU have opened the door to revolutionary capability in
the AR-15; all shooters need to do is step through and start lighting primers.
Caliber Comparison Chart
Muzzle 200 yards 400 yards
velocity drop velocity drop velocity
.223 55gr M193 3070 fps 2.2 inches 2353 fps 27.8 inches 1743 fps
.223 77gr OTM 2670 fps 3.3 inches 2216 fps 32.7 inches 1810 fps
6.8 SPC 115gr SMK 2650 fps 3.5 inches 2143 fps 35.4 inches 1677 fps
6.8 SPC 110gr V-MAX 2650 fps 3.3 inches 2208 fps 33.1 inches 1811 fps
7.62x39mm 2300 fps 5.9 inches 1787 fps 53.8 inches 1368 fps
.308 168gr SMK 2600 fps 3.4 inches 2235 fps 32.3 inches 1891 fps
Typical trajectory information from carbines with drop and velocity calculated
at sea level with a 100 yard zero.