My work experience, honors and awards, etc college
topic: Trying to get an engineering scholarship.
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March 21, 1996

Work Experience

I currently hold two jobs here in the Engineering Department

Computer Aided Engineering - UW-Madison

9/95 - present
Member of 5 person NetStaff team responsible for the College of Engineering's NetWare student network of 250 workstations and 7 servers.
My duties include:
  • Research, Development, and Maintenance of custom applications for network and user account maintenance
  • Specialized programs required when upgrading system
  • Network, Hardware, and Software troubleshooting and solutions
  • Direct support of users and consultants.
I develop much of the low-level network code and applications for the Novell network at CAE.

In addition to the opportunity to get together with others who share my focused interest in computer systems and electrical engineering, this job provides practical experience complementing my academic activities.

ECE Department, High Power Microwave Lab - UW-Madison

12/95 - present
General undergraduate assistant under direction of Prof. John Booske and Mark Basten.
  • Developed software interface between LeCroy Oscilloscope and PC via GPIB bus for acquisition of waveforms. This is used by graduate researchers investigating microwave sources.
  • Currently working on Particle in Cell (PIC) simulations of various electron beam configurations.

Prof. Booske offered me this job while I was a student in his section of ECE 220 last semester. I accepted it as a challenge to broaden my scope of knowledge in electromagnetic wave systems.

Self-Employed Computer Systems Consultant

Summer 1993
I Developed a dial-in email solution for a local company enabling remote service engineers' communication.

Self-Employed Programmer

1991 - 1993
Successfully developed, marketed, and supported several software packages to enhance operation of dial-in computer bulletin board systems (BBS).

During this time I was an active member of an on-line community consisting of operators of publicly accessibly computer bulletin board systems (BBS). I identified needs that were not being met by the market and filled those needs with a quality product. It was exciting filling orders from around the world: New Zealand, Germany, Canada, and the US.

I was invited to and spoke at a Searchlight BBS Conference in Toronto on the design of an Internet connection for the Searchlight BBS system.


  • Intramural Soccer
  • Recreational reading of science fiction
  • Recreational programming investigating new languages and paradigms


  • All semester Dean's Honor List
  • Obtained Junior Standing after just 1 Semester, ECE4 after just 3
  • The College Board's `AP' Scholar with Distinction Award
  • Navy Distinguished Achievement Award - Marquette Science Fair
  • High School record for college credit and time of graduation
  • Member: Eta Kappa Nu - Computer Co-Chair, 95/96, Tau Beta Pi, Golden Key Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi, IEEE, National Honor Society


G. P. Ryan and W. G. Kirchoffer Engineering Freshman Merit Award, $900, 94/95
Fred W. and Josephine H. Colbeck Scholarship, $500, 5/95

Awards, Honors, and Activities in High School

  • Member of winning Varsity Math and Science teams
  • JETS competitions
  • Academic Decathlon
  • MSOE 1994 Engineering OP Conference
  • SE WI Science and Engineering Fair
  • Semi-finalist for US Physics Team, spring 1994
  • Qualified for American Invitational Mathematics Exam, March 1994
  • Varsity Soccer, Mock Trial

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