Why poor poeple don't totally suck high-school
topic: English
Some people think that people who don't want to be poor don't have to be. Well, I think that people who say that are wrong. Some people have grown up in a hostile environment and don't know any way to not become a poor person. Also, some people have disabilities that keep then from earning money. When someone can't work because of a disability, there is nothing they, by themselves, can really do about that.
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Why poor people don't suck

circa 1991.

Some people think that people who don't want to be poor don't have to be. Well, I think that people who say that are wrong. Some people have grown up in a hostile environment and don't know any way to not become a poor person. Also, some people have disabilities that keep then from earning money. When someone can't work because of a disability, there is nothing they, by themselves, can really do about that.

Some people are also discriminated against. These people have a hard time getting jobs, and when they do, they are sometimes blamed for things they did not do.

In the depression, when there were no jobs, many people wanted to work and rise above poverty, but the conditions of the economy at that time didn't allow it. There were many people who were poor then, and almost all of them wanted a job.

On the other hand, there are also some people who don't really care that they are poor, some people just belong to gangs in big cities. There is also much more crime in big cities, therefor I think that the more unemployed people there are, the more crime there will be. This conclusion may not be correct on all occasions, but I think that it is correct in most.

[Zak Smith] [zak@computer.org] [/~zak/documents/high-school/poor-people-dont-suck/html]
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