Self-Esteem high-school
topic: Some random reflections
I believe that I have good self-esteem because I can be an individual and not rely on others to dictate what I do, wear, or think. I use my own opinions, not anyone else's, and I make decisions based on what I want, not what others want me to do. I can be mentally self-reliant.
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circa 1992.
I believe that I have good self-esteem because I can be an individual and not rely on others to dictate what I do, wear, or think. I use my own opinions, not anyone else's, and I make decisions based on what I want, not what others want me to do. I can be mentally self-reliant.

I have good self-esteem. I know what I can do, and what I am not able to do. I have a complex philosophy of life. Sometimes I can remove myself from the seemingly important immediate issues and think about greater ideas.

I try to keep my public and private self close enough so that I don't have to be something different from what I actualy am so that my "friends" accept me.

I think I self-actualize well because I use my mind's abilities fully. I always go for the challenge instead of just drifting through life, although, I must say, "just drifting" through a weekend is a great way to reduce stress.

I believe that some people do not understand me. Some think that I am just quiet, when, in reality, I am just refusing to partake in inane chatter with people who do not really care anyhow, or use salutations which are overused and have lost their meaning. I do not mind just chatting with my friends though. I guess I just do not like "empty" chatter, I like to get to the guts of the discussion.

Time is very interesting to me lately. Sometimes I put off starting my homework until 8 o'clock at night just so I can relax and enjoy myself for a while. For instance, if I have something due on a Monday, I'll think, "heck, I'll just do it on Sunday night," and I usually do. Other times, however, I wonder what the future has in store for me and the human race. Sometimes I think about experiencing the present in the future, or I think about what I thought in the present in the past.

I manage a good deal of stress. It seems that once school is in full swing, I always have some big assignment hanging over my head. If I just had the daily assignments, and no big ones, my life would be a lot easier. I handle my stress my doing what I like to do from the time I get home until I do my homework. This usually consists of any of the following: sleeping, going to soccer practice, reading a book, following the discussions in the computer networks, and programming. Sometimes, after an especially stressful week, I'll just sit around or sleep the whole week-end because the week took so much out of me.

I keep my school-related stress level down by keeping a list of all my assignments. This organization technique works well; I have used it for a few years. I also reduce my stress level by doing my mind-broadening hobbies. I also have a way to relax the muscles in my scalp, head, and neck to relieve headaches and the like.

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