Stale high-school
topic: English
Here I am sitting listening to the screaming children and the distinct clicking sound of the buttons on the cash register being pushed. All of a sudden I hear the double doors being smashed. I hear a lady scream. A putrid stench comes lingering into McD's.
formats: HTML (1.2kB) 1988-01-01 quality 1
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circa 1988.

Here I am sitting listening to the screaming children and the distinct clicking sound of the buttons on the cash register being pushed. All of a sudden I hear the double doors being smashed. I hear a lady scream. A putrid stench comes lingering into McD's.

I hear a voice grunt,"We are terrorists, give us all your money from your safe and your cash register!!!" I then hear the sound of a touch-tone phone being dialed, then many shots, probably from the terrorists automatic weapon. A glob of ketchup flies on to my table.

"Hang it up!" a grunt states.

Then another grunt says,"No one try anything else funny or that will happen again, only it won't be a barrel of ketchup!" I don't think they have seen me yet so I figure I must do some thing. I look for the first dangerous thing I find. Beside me I see a stale, cardboardish hamburger that smells like rotten cheese. Then I hopefully launch the stale entity. I hear a dreadful thud, then a squirt of blood shooting spectacularly into the air.

A lady remarks shudderingly," Look it's lodged in his head!"

"Quality control won't be too happy about this!"exclaimed an employee.

I guess it was a little staler than I thought!

[Zak Smith] [] [/~zak/documents/high-school/stale-burger-save-the-day/html]
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