Mr. Gunderson, Super Science Teacher high-school
topic: A teacher who made an impression
As the years pass, it is not uncommon for teachers to fade away in a student's memory. I have had many teachers during my 11 years in school; one of them stands out in my memory more than any other. My seventh grade science teacher, called crazy by some, showed a high level of interest and enthusiasm.
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A teacher who made a difference in my life

circa 1991.

Mr. Gunderson
Science teacher of 7th grade
Kromery Middle School, Middleton, Wisconsin

As the years pass, it is not uncommon for teachers to fade away in a student's memory. I have had many teachers during my 11 years in school; one of them stands out in my memory more than any other. My seventh grade science teacher, called crazy by some, showed a high level of interest and enthusiasm.

He didn't just talk all period, he showed us many experiments and samples of stuff that he had collected in his ventures over the years. To demonstrate a concept, he would get as many people involved as possible.

His classes were also interesting because he would tell us stories about his childhood and history. Almost all of his stories related to the subject we were studying at the time. He would also explain to us how the things we were studying applied to the real world. For instance, he explained why it was better to leave a florescent light on than turn it on and off in a short period of time. Once when the room was especially cold, he demonstrated the thermal properties of iron, at the same time, heating the room, and explaining why heated iron worked better than a simple flame.

I had always been at least a little interested in science, but it was not until that class that I really found out that I did well in the sciences. His energy and unorthodox methods are what persuaded me to be drawn into math and the sciences.

[Zak Smith] [] [/~zak/documents/high-school/teacher-gunderson/html]
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