No More Gun Control!(Sent to all the Colorado US Senators and Congressmen)The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution acknowledges (not grants), "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It isn't about hunting, and it has nothing to do with "sporting." It's about protection of freedom, for the individual and for ``the people.'' Each person has the natural, in-born, right to self-defense. Those who seek to ban guns value the life of the criminal over the life of the righteous citizen: they would rather see a woman raped, beaten, and lying dead in a ditch than allow her an effective means to defend herself against a larger assailant. The founders of this country realized that the first step to oppression, tyranny, and genocide is to remove from the people their means of self-defense. They explicitly mentioned this reason in the Constitution, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." Registration has historically lead to confiscation, which we cannot allow to happen here. Gun bans only serve to create "safe zones" for criminals to prey on un-armed innocents. It has been shown by University of Chicago Professor John Lott that States which passed Right to Carry Concealed Weapons Laws enjoyed a reduced violent crime rate as a direct result, with no increase in accidental injury. Guns stop crime! I strongly urge you to oppose any "gun control" legislation because it is an immoral limitation of civil rights, and endangers the freedom our Great Nation is built upon.
Sincerely |