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Documents in category: real-life

Zak Smith's Resume real-life
topic: Not currently looking
Objective: To contribute to the design of leading-edge digital systems, within a team of highly-motivated engineers enabled to succeed by management.
Specific Interests: Computer architecture, logic design, verification, software engineering, VLSI.
formats: HTML (11.3kB) 2001-07-11 quality 5
The Rabid Dog Fallacy real-life
topic: Explanation of a common fallacy
This is the argument I call the "Rabid Dog Fallacy", a variant of the fallacy of false dillema or the fallacy of complex question.
formats: HTML (3.1kB) 2002-11-08 quality 4
Fridge Poetry #2 real-life
topic: Several poems taken from my fridge
Several short poems that evolved in the magnetic poetry on my fridge.
formats: HTML (0.4kB) 2002-03-06 quality 4
Fridge Poetry #1 real-life
topic: Several poems taken from my fridge
Several short poems that evolved in the magnetic poetry on my fridge.
formats: HTML (0.5kB) 2001-12-14 quality 4
Relationship musings real-life
topic: Why be in a Relationship? Why not?
I outline reasons to be in a relationship, what makes a relationship good, and relationships to avoid, including a "Deal Breaker" list.
formats: HTML (6.3kB) 2001-11-13 quality 4
No More Gun Control! real-life
topic: Letter to the 8 Colorado Congressmen and US Senators
I strongly urge my representatives to oppose any "gun control" legislation because it is an immoral limitation of civil rights, and endangers the freedom our Great Nation is built upon.
formats: HTML (2.1kB) 2000-03-13 quality 4
Publishing a list of handgun permit holders is a Bad Idea! real-life
topic: Letter to Editor of Fort Collins Coloradoan
On Sunday, February 20, 2000, the Fort Collins Coloradoan printed 4 articles with an anti-gun slant, in addition to a list of all the people who obtained Larimer County Concealed Handgun Permits since July 4, 1999. My letter-to-the-editor enumerates why I think this was a bad idea, and some of the unintended consequences it might cause.
formats: HTML (4.0kB) 2000-02-22 quality 4
Concealed Weapons Prevent Crime real-life
topic: Letter to Editor of Fort Collins Coloradoan
I am writing in response to Cherie Trine's "Soapbox" column on September 12, 1999 in which she expressed concerns about the safety of allowing some citizens to carry concealed handguns. It may seem paradoxical, but the right-to-carry concealed handguns is a significant deterrent to violent crime, and produces no increase in accidental deaths.
formats: HTML (2.7kB) 1999-09-12 quality 4
Zak's 2000 HSTA Grand Junction Trip Report real-life
topic: Ride Report
This three day, two night trip took approximately 14 Colorado HSTA members through the beautiful SW Colorado geography.
formats: HTML (9.5kB) 2000-09-10 quality 3
Track-day Crash Report real-life
topic: Pueblo Motorsports Park, Aug 22, 1999
I low-sided my 1989 Honda CB-1 on an approx 150 degree right-hand turn at Pueblo Motorsports Park. I estimate I was going between 40 and 50 mph at the time. This document is a summary of how my safety equipment performed during the crash, protecting me from all unjury.
formats: HTML (3.7kB) 1999-08-23 quality 3

[Zak Smith] [] [/~zak/documents/real-life]
$Id: documents,v 1.5 2000/09/28 21:20:39 zak Exp zak $
documents was last modified Mon 07 Apr 2014 0:16:32
All text and photographs © copyright 1997-2009 Zak Smith, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
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