Final Report on Test Generation college
topic: ECE553 (Testing and Testability of Digital Systems)
Problem Statement:
1. Given a circuit description, generate a compact test set with high fault coverage.
2. Using test set from (1), determine whether three supplied circuits contain an injected fault.
3. Finally, determine the fault location in a fourth supplied circuit.
formats: Adobe PDF (151.6kB), PostScript (394.8kB), TeX (1.1kB) 1997-11-30 quality 4





\title{ECE 553 Project Report --- Standard}
\author{Zak Smith}



\parindent 0pt
\chapter{Problem Statement}
1. Given a circuit description, generate a compact test set with high fault coverage.
\vskip .2in

\parindent 0pt
2. Using test set from (1), determine whether three supplied circuits contain
an injected fault.
\vskip .2in

\parindent 0pt
3.  Finally, determine the fault location in a fourth supplied circuit.

\parindent .5in

\chapter{Test Generation}

\chapter{Fault Diagnosis}


\chapter{Appendix A - Fault Diagnosis}

\chapter{Appendix B - Test Generation}


[Zak Smith] [] [/~zak/documents/college/ece553-final-report/tex]
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