Study of Relative Performance Impact: Coherence Protocol vs. Network Speed college
topic: ECE757 (Multiprocessor Computer Architecture), Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison
Architects and implementors must know design trade-offs to design successful systems. Two important aspects of multiprocessor performance are network quality and coherence protocol. We study the performance impact of coherence protocol choice (MSI vs. MESI) as compared to the performance impact of the high-speed network. A higher quality network is either wider, or has less latency, or both.

We find that in the majority of cases, network quality dominates the effects of coherence protocol - that is, lower-quality networks with the MESI protocol do not yield faster runs that higher-quality networks with the MSI protocol. We also note that program characteristics can affect which protocol performs better.

formats: Adobe PDF (158.9kB), PostScript (233.6kB), TeX (11.5kB) 1998-05-01 quality 5
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